If you are the owner of a small business, you know that advertising the products or services you offer is a beneficial way to improve your overall profit. Custom imprinted wall calendars are handy tools that many potential and existing customers enjoy on a daily basis. If you have decided to use wall calendars as an advertising form, their design is important so your message is conveyed whenever they are viewed. Here are a few pointers to help you with designing the perfect calendars for giveaways.

Make Sure Company Information Is Completely Visible

The most important part of a wall calendar for your advertising is the information pertaining to your business. This needs to be prominently displayed, either at the top or bottom portion of a wall calendar so those looking at will automatically glance up or down to search for this vital knowledge. Make sure that your business' name, address, phone number, and website or email are included so those interested in contacting you will know exactly how to do so. In addition, this information should be in bold lettering, preferably in a block font so it is easy to read. If you decide to use a calendar with individual pages for each month, this information needs to be included on each page.

Decide Upon The Imagary To Be Shared

Some businesses select calendars with pre-selected photographs for each month of the year, while others take the time to pick and choose which images they want to be presented. If you choose the latter method, consider showcasing some of your services or products right on the pages of the calendar. They can be intertwined amongst props that feature timely reminders of the time of the year to help keep the calendar from being too sales-focused. If you decide to utilize pre-selected photos, find out if you can choose from a variety so the photos included are making sense to your business goals.

Add Handy Information Upon Particular Dates

If your business hosts events throughout the year, such as featured sales or open houses, add this information right to the calendars so customers are aware of these key dates. Double-check that the dates you intend on scheduling these events are set in stone so potential customers do not show up for one if it is not going to definitely occur. The dates of these events can also be listed as an additional page in the calendar for easy reference. 

For more information, contact a business like The Lauder Company.
